Ace of Clubs
This is an after school and holiday care facility offered for children who attend Rouge Bouillon. It is open from 3.00pm to 5.30pm during term-time and 8.30am to 5.30pm during school holidays (except Bank Holidays). It is a non-profit making charitable organisation run separately from the school. Fees are charged which cover the cost of the staff, snack, hire of the facilities and resources. Places at the Ace of Clubs are limited, so applications should be made through the club manager. On average 20 places are available for each year group. The Club is split into different areas to cater most appropriately for the age of the child attending. Each area is run by a Supervisor and supported by play workers. The ratio is about 10 children to 1 adult. Further details can be obtained from the Ace of Clubs Manager on tel: 617798 or the Finance Officer on tel: 705707